April 06, 2010

Brisk and random

Today, I'm considering several thoughts, in no particular order:
  • I found a lovely blog, lovely experience of a blog, wherein the writer suggests that comments might just detract from the freedom of just being at the blog site and enjoying. As much as I love the connection in comments, I believe I love this idea for myself.
  • It's heading toward 10 in the morning, we're all home for Easter break, and waiting for the washing machine repair man. No one has moved out of jammies. We often spend this time of year in San Francisco. So I guess this is vacation. There will be some mad scramble when the doorbell rings.
  • I love having the backdoor open to the high 50's cool. It creates a little draft that reminds me that spring looks delicate with all the floral blooming. But spring is not tame.
  • My German Shepherd discovered a yellow hand squeezer-thing which made its way into our house. It is the focus of his existence and we just watched him sit, staring up at the mantle where it sat waiting for it to do something for 10 minutes. I love focus.
  • I watched Mario Batalli make a salad of raw shredded asparagus (he used a tomato or potato peeler) in olive oil, lemon, and parmesan reggiano. I was not able to tell, from Matt Lauer's face or comments, if it was tasty and now I want to try it. I may hold some baby romaine on the side just in case it falls flat with my staff here. He made a super yummy looking pasta dish too.
There you go. Brisk and random.
That's what's on my mind.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

You've been busy my friend and I've been absent! I'm sorry it has been so long since I've visited. Things are looking lovely here. You have a way with words... and roses!


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