January 07, 2017

Brother give us a word::Revelation

We’re no longer talking only about a God of the Law, whose ways were unknowable, whose face was unseeable, whose name was unpronounceable, whose heart and hands were untouchable, but about Jesus who entered the conditions of this world as an innocent and needy child, just as we have, to reveal the real presence of God’s love.
-Br. Curtis Almquist

It's interesting, I notice lots of people making "knowing Jesus" the priority for this year. The focus. The word. He's the One who makes the universe knowable. Through Him, all was made. 

It think it's good work. Love the Father by knowing the Son.

January 06, 2017

Give us a word::Mission

For those of us who might have room for one more New Year’s resolution, it might be this: to be open to new epiphanies, to be open to seeing others in new ways, to seeing Jesus in new ways, to seeing ourselves in fresh and perhaps even surprising new ways.
-Br. Mark Brown

Oh the fun of connecting to these Anglican Brothers and their view of Christ. For me it augments the beauty of the heart shaped, bug eaten rose petal, lying on the sandy grout between the bricks in winter. Grace. Joy. Gifts. This mission correlates to My One Word for the year: Freedom. More on that later. But how about that freedom to find new epiphanies? We get to choose the freedom to see friends with fresh eyes and an open heart. 

I'm all for the Mission.

January 01, 2017

Happy New Year!

May this be, for you, for all of us, a year of joy and progress, of consideration and choice, of love and freedom.

The Advent Word process brought the brothers of SSJE into my awareness. This morning, Brother Almquist shared this:

Some days I think our best prayer, our best plea, our best praise is simply to use the name that God has finally shared with us: Jesus, which literally means, “Yahweh saves.” You have Jesus’ name, Jesus who is intent on saving you from whatever it is that just kills you.
-Br. Curtis Almquist

I'll ponder this a while. It's certainly a good way to start a new year, in Jesus name.


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