February 05, 2011

February 5 - I Love:: Game Night

God bless her! That girl loves cards.

My mom is a member of her church seniors club. They gather every week to sing and pray and then the whip out the cards. Her gals are particularly fond of Skip Bo. And Mom's a bit of a card sharp. In fact, this is the way I picture the ladies as they sit looking innocent enough, in their 70s and 80s. I doubt that they cheat, or play for money or anything like that, but Mom will never lose a game because she isn't paying attention. She's always all there and all in.

So last night, with  one man down, while my eldest was off with his youth group for an overnight at their leader's college dorm. (Watch Mommie breathing.) Grandma came for dinner and brought her favorite game. Skip Bo. After dinner, we headed to the dining room table for what I like to consider the bloodbath. My daughter has a few of my mom's traits and one of them is attention and focus on whatever is at hand. She's a good card player and actually takes a fairly aggressive stance - intending to win. So the cute little Skip Bo cards become tools, weapons even in their hands. My mother and daughter in cahoots. Each winning a couple of games a piece while my Dear caught up on a show in the man cave and I sat at their mercy, wondering how I'm supposed to know when to fill my hand with the five cards. Cute little colorful cards -- producing winners and losers and tons of giggles.

I love game night. It's just so wonderful to soak in all the family I can get.
My tank is quite full thank you!

What are your favorite games?

February 04, 2011

February 4 - I Love:: Sara's Pray Along

I am so moved by the idea of linking hearts together in prayer.

When I read the title, Friday Pray Along, my heart took a little leap for joy!

It reminds me - God is good, all the time.
Caring enough to pray for someone's else is one of the great ways my faith and life grows.

I am glad for the opportunity.

February 03, 2011

February 3 - I Love:: Camellias

My heart sings when winter comes and these beautiful, delicate camellias bloom on my front porch.

February 02, 2011

February 2 - I Love:: The Real Mr. Incredible

Who doesn't love this aging superhero? Throughout the Incredibles, Mr. Incredible (or as we call him in our house, the other Mr. Incredible) shows that combination of determination, strength and vulnerability that makes him a pretty lovable guy.

Monday, on an off day for school and a quiet day at  Disney's California Adventure, I encountered the real Mr. Incredible.

Without the throngs there for pictures, he was able to demonstrate something that surprised and thrilled me. 
There was a little girl with long black hair in a wheelchair. She appeared to be challenged beyond the chair. 
Mr. Incredible noticed her.
He walked near to hear and then got down on one knee. 
He offered his hand. And in that wordless character communication, he said volumes to her heart, as evidenced in her struggling hand reaching out to him. She smiled. He came closer. And she bowed her head to lean into his chest. He leaned in too. For a moment the kindness and love expressed was brilliant and tender and personal. 

I'd decided to forgo a ride for a chance to sit and observe. I received the best gift -- a warmed heart through an incredible encounter.

February 01, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year!

It's Valentine's season. 

Why would we relegate any awareness and expression of love to a day?

Last year Kerry at Young Ones got us all thinking about the season of love. So, I say, join in. Pop over to Kerry's blog, grab a button and post away!

And, happy Valentine's Day. All month.

January 30, 2011

Now, you could get with This or you could get with That*

I don't think I've ever shared a this or that list here with the birds.
I'm compelled.
I must.
Here goes:
Finally, Valentine's Day is coming soon, so I'm spending time with these ideas.

Have fun.
* Tickles my mom!


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