March 21, 2010

Quotable Sunday ~ My Grandfather's Blessing

"Recovering a greater compassion may require us to confront the core values of our culture. We are a culture that values mastery and control, that cultivates self-sufficiency, competence, independence. But in the shadow of these values lies a profound rejection of our human wholeness. As individuals and as a culture we have developed a sort of contempt for anything in ourselves and in others that has needs, and is capable of suffering. It is not a gentle world."   

-Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., My Grandfather's Blessings. 
A wonderful gift from my friend Heather in 2001. A huge gift today.

And Russel's Cottage on the 3rd day.


Unknown said...

I'm reading Kitchen Table Wisdom right now. She's an amazing storyteller, isn't she?

Vicki said...

I think I'd love to just sit with her. So glad to be on similar pages too!


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