April 19, 2010

A complaint, kind of.

Don't my nails look wonderful? I mean, really. Well, just those two.
I'm not a mall shopper, but found myself walking through on the way to a dinner tonight. I was halted in my pursuits by an nail buffing character selling SEACRETS nail buffing kit. He removed the nail polish on one finger and buffed 'til that nail shined like the top of the Chrysler Building. Then he did another.
He went on to explain that I could have this amazing deal that will save me hundreds and hundreds of dollars not going to a nail salon. (Really, I go THAT often?) Then he shared the amazing price was:  $63. After I gasped at 63 smackers for a buffer, oil and hand lotion, he offered me an amazing personal deal: 2 for the price of one.
I managed to say thanks and walk on, eyeing the luster of my two fingernails. I pitched the idea to my husband and my friend and in the end I came home with no nail kit and no deal.
So, still mesmerized,  I found myself perusing the web just to see if there was a way to get this kit, for less. and my!oh!my! was I nearly sold.
Amazon.com carries the product for $14.90. And to top it off, it appears this amazing personal deal wasn't so individual. Reading reviews I found that in most cases, if you wait these boys out, you'll get a better deal. Lots of kids go for about $30. Well, well, well. The salesman's daughter actually recognized the pitch. Or perhaps the swing and a miss.
I've never been the fan of those mall kiosk characters and tonight I've actually remembered why I don't engage, even with the wily salesguy who wants to hold my hand.


Unknown said...

I've seen those guys... and it is amazing to buff your nails like that. Ooo doesn't that just boil your blood? Trying to get you to buy it at a waaaay higher price?

Did you order it off amazon?

Vicki said...

I believe I'm going to.
Saving about 75%!!


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