January 02, 2018


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor e. Frankl

Every year, one word.
This year: space.

Multiple candidates for the guiding word danced on a page coming down to first curate and then, invest.

They were each headliners for a while and both words are wonderful. But, when I think about what I want to occur this year, space wins. 

Space for air
Space for thought
Uncramped shelves
Space to God
Space for nothing
In my trunk
In my garage
my closet
my brain

I love a lot of what I experience, but I'm finally catching on that not all of it belongs on my shelf. 
I don't want it.
Well, some of it I want.
And, if I give myself the space to consider, it might just be the right thing to accompany me on in life.

I think this now. Give me space and I'll let you know if it's really truth.


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