August 31, 2011

Judging a book by the cover.

Yes you can and I did.
Who would put a pint of Sea Salt Caramel gelato in such an interesting (screw top) container like this and make such a simple, pleasing label and not make it also wonderful to the tongue?
I judged well and I will have to look into what ever other flavors Talenti has for me.
Sea Salt Caramel was a good first try.

August 29, 2011

How to improve cleaning your room. Add a tutu.

Oh, and perhaps, go back inside and finish.

A new love. (His name is Tim.)

Driving home Sunday night from little Jacky's birthday party I was all alone with KUSC and heard the revelation of Tim Andres.
I am head over heels in love.
And this is just a little part of why:


August 28, 2011

Steve Jobs, “Computers are like a bicycle for our minds.”

I am so moved by all that Steve Jobs has brought to our lifetime.
And I'm thrilled for every moment he thinks different.


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